How To Buy
Ready to buy your first $NFTStatue? Go to UniSwap.
Select the currency(ETH) that you want to swap into $NFTStatue?, and paste contract code 0xea34d65b689aeb1d579982b5f29cdebd8b2aa5b8 .
Then input the amount that you would like to swap and configure settings as follows: (Slippage 5% between 7%)
Quit the settings and press Connect Wallet. After that connect to your wallet by picking it from list.
Confirm the Swap on UniSwap and in your Wallet.
You are done! You can chect the transaction details on EtherScan. You are ready to buy $NFTStatue?.
Ready to buy your first $NFTStatue? Go to PancakeSwap.
Select the currency(BNB) that you want to swap into $NFTStatue?, and paste contract code 0xea34d65b689aeb1d579982b5f29cdebd8b2aa5b8 .
Then input the amount that you would like to swap and configure settings as follows: (Slippage 5% between 7%)
Quit the settings and press Connect Wallet. After that connect to your wallet by picking it from list.
Confirm the Swap on PancakeSwap and in your Wallet.
You are done! You can chect the transaction details on BscScan. You are ready to buy $NFTStatue?.
Last updated